Subject: Well met, and all that!
Posted on: 2008-08-16 05:36:00 UTC

Under starlight, under something-that-might've-been-a-moon-somewhere-else light, under- well, whatever light happens to be going your way currently, I guess. *grabs hat so's she can tip it at you*

*headtilt* …'ve I seen you elsewhere?

Which fandoms were you around first in? Might not be relevant, I just wonder, since- as I understand it- slash's meaning has kind of changed over time.

*glees at fandoms* Fun!

…there could be physical pleasure. Maybe. Me, I, uh- snakes. *twitch* Though more the other one.

…that one might've been a troll though, given the last line.

Anyway. Welcome! *hands over a box of biscuits*

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