Subject: Let's see.
Posted on: 2008-08-08 18:04:00 UTC

Dustin plays the string bass, Tawaki sings baritone, Five of Six plays a harp, the Sixth Disentangler plays the Kloo horn, and Iskillion plays a trombone when in Human, Vulcan, or Yuuzhan Vong morph.
In addition, Dustin has written an oratorio entitled "Bleeprin," about an Assassin who has just MSTed C*l*br**n, LxC, and the Cluny Fic from That Series on a dare and runs back to the Response Center to take Bleeprin ("The Spear, the Orcs!") -- only to find that she is fresh out out (Recitative: "Upon Returning," leading into "Glaurung! Why Now?"). She tries to get some from the Agents next door (Recitivive: "Out the Door," leading into "Need Bleeprin!"), but they are angry at her over something that happened recently and refuse ("You Can Jolly Well Go Mad," leading into "The M&M Debacle"). She runs back to her Response Center to get some General Store change ("Where's my Wallet?"), and the console beeps ("Not Glaurunging Now," leading into "Leela Is Not a Wilting Lily!"). She finds her wallet (Recitative: "The General Store Came First") and dashes down to the General Store, running into people along the way ("Pardon me, Terribly Sorry"). When she arrives (Recitative: "Upon Arrival"), her partner is there, already buying Bleeprin ("We Have a Mission"). She takes a dose and they return to their RC (Recitative: "Still Relatively Sane," leading into the finale "There Is a Sue in Doctor Who").

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