Subject: Hmmm, answering your questions...
Posted on: 2008-08-07 18:45:00 UTC

Thanks for pointing out the problems...I shall fix them!

And HQ works in mysterious ways, do they not? I suspect with the understaffing problems, they have to resort to the theory of duplicating people's genes. My theory goes to think that something went wrong while they were duplicating the personality of the victim. I'm inclined to think that some mad scientists or maybe an apprentice or assistant of sorts for Makes-Things (Though I have a slight feeling he does not need apprentices or assistants) got the whole idea to create a cloning machine and botches it all up.
Besides (though this sounds very weak...), I like elves. I think they do need a little insanity amongst their ranks, too. (as if the "Tra-la-la-lally" song isn't undignified enough...)

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