Subject: Wandering in ...
Posted on: 2008-08-01 20:44:00 UTC

I figured I should introduce myself, so:

Hello! I'm Wandering Critic, WC for short, and I, um, wander and criticize. Specifically, I criticize badfic, sometimes very extensively — I'm somewhat notorious on FFN for writing critiques that are longer than the original story. I also have a website so I don't have to explain the proper use of the period to every lousy writer individually, and a rather widely ignored blog where I rant about Sues and badfic.

Let me see... I'm probably a lousy fit for the board culture here because I don't giggle, don't enjoy silliness all that much, take writing way too seriously, and have a generally crabby personality. Don't bother giving me stuff beginning with "P" because I'll just hold a virtual yard sale and price, peddle, and profit from it. Also, I don't layer what I say in a dozen disclaimers like "this is just my opinion, but..." or "I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings..." and tend to have little respect for anyone who would disintegrate into a sobbing pile of hurt feelings if such phrases were omitted. Oh, and I believe that an opinion most certainly can be wrong: consider the number of people who hold the opinion that capital letters, punctuation, and paragraphs are unnecessary in their fanfic writing. So now you know the worst about me.

Aside from having the personality of a wood rasp, I try to be useful, I do have a sense of humor (it just runs to really bad puns or jokes so subtle that nobody gets them), I write fanfic (though not under any name that could be connected to this identity), and I've been a PPC fan for a couple of years. It's hard to say what fandoms I prefer because I'll snark any badfic that holds still long enough (to the point of watching hours of TV shows I'd never seen before to get the background for a good sporking), but in general I lean towards classic fantasy, hard SF, military themes in general, and I passionately hate vampires. I'm a canon purist, I overwhelmingly prefer gen, and I'm still pretty much a literary (rather than media) fan. I'll shovel through mountains of suck to find one single gem of a story, because it's so worth it when you find one of the good ones. Aside from proper writing and fact-checking, I take very little seriously, particularly not myself.

Anyway, that's me, warts and all, for whatever that's worth.

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