Subject: ...also.
Posted on: 2008-08-02 14:15:00 UTC

After going through your website (Well, the FAQ, anyway. I don't actually feel the need to read up on all the basic rules of English), as well as the first three (or four?) entries on your blog, I have to say I'm pretty glad you came here, because you seem like a pretty cool person.

And I think leaving scathing/blunt reviews on stories is actually a lot better than just -killing- them or sporking them or MSTing them without warning. If you leave a crit, telling them exactly what's wrong with their story, it actually gives them the chance to fix the problems, and redeem themselves. Just laughing about it behind their backs, and sporking it as though they were writing purely out of malice, always seems a bit... nasty.

There's actually a lot more I'd like to say to you, but I doubt my boss will be impressed with "internets" as an excuse for being half an hour late. I look forward to seeing you around here.

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