Subject: I got to read this at last,
Posted on: 2014-02-10 11:52:00 UTC

and I didn’t take any notes. So, either I was too tired to spot any errors, or all the nitpicking is already done :-)

I liked Nicky’s reaction to being in a live action world. Not knowing her home continuum, I had never realized that she is a big-eyed anime character.

Apparently something more sinister than Mary Sues is at work here. Are “they” the maleficent force behind the Mary Sue factories, or did “they” just buy a special offer of Defectives to do the dirty work? Going off topic (or maybe not?) I never quite understood the economic reasoning for Mary Sue factories. Do they sell Mary Sues to writers who are too lazy to make up their own original character? Or do the factories create all these Mary Sues just for the fun of being evil?

I’m looking forward to the next chapter.


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