Subject: While we're talking about things that the MS was in,
Posted on: 2014-02-14 01:24:00 UTC

Is there or was there a plan for Shades of Black and Red, or the Arthurverse in general? It seemed like a potentially interesting AU, but nothing much really happened in it before the stories within it just stopped, and the wiki articles on everyone there are only a few sentences long each. I would have liked to see some more details on how that world is going to turn out.
Maybe it will show up at some point during that multiversal crossover event you occasionally bring up, or it will end up like the Sundering universe and become open for other people to continue. Most of the major players in the Arthurverse were solely your creations, though, so I'm not entirely sure how the latter would work, given PPC character-use protocol...

Also, on a tangentially related note, when I was looking through the Shades of Black and Red section again to get the URL for that link, sometimes the underlining code showed up when I lifted my mouse to another tab or scrolled down. You might not have closed all of the tags.

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