Subject: Mm, sort of.
Posted on: 2014-02-14 09:20:00 UTC

There is a plot for SoBaR - or Reorg 2A, as it was known back when CD was simply 'Reorg 2' - but I don't know if I'll ever write it. The heart of it is Jay and Acy's plan to take out the MS by, well, blowing him up (there was a discussion a long time ago about whether generic surface is brittle under explosive conditions). Then there's... grief, it's been a long time... er, Dafydd and co trying to break Ontic out, Connie and Aella trying to bring down the Factory, Blue and company providing a view on what normal life is like during the event, and Lou and Morgan - meddling.

But there's no particular plan to continue it. I suspect the ultimate outcome would be a new Head of the PPC - probably the Sub Rosa, I'm a big fan - and likely a shift in organisational policy. I can see the SR deciding that all these troubles come from being too aggressive, and that from now on, PPC Agents will use stealth, not force, to take out badfics.

Of course, neither is there a plan not to continue it. I'll maybe get round to it? I honestly don't know.


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