Subject: Re: If you don't mind a couple of Pokemon...
Posted on: 2013-10-10 19:50:00 UTC

Bltzle is a zebra that absorbs and discharges electrical energy, and evolves into a larger version that does so more quickly and efficiently. Grexicka is a horse phantom made of darkness and sparks, and evolves into a titanic sky-eel that shoots lightning from its eyes. I think they're different enough.

I'm imagining that Xemlin looks a lot like the a flying version of the gulper eel, just because the idea of that thing also being capable of swallowing a small plane whole is just too incredible to dismiss.
Of course, they'd probably live in systems of strong and turbulent weather, being thunderstorm-based creatures and all, so pilots would probably stay away from a potential Xemlin den with or without the threat of being Megasharked, but I'm having too much fun with the idea to let basic logic get in its way.

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