Subject: A review.
Posted on: 2013-09-19 21:09:00 UTC

So since you were so kind to include an review yourself for me, I thought I would leave a reveiew for you. This was a cool story, I like how there are others that learned of the PPC and dont nececerally aprove of the practice of killing the Sues. We know they are evil, but how do the others? I hope that she comes to see our ways, but if not then she must DIE!!! Sorry, its just the PPC is so cool, I dont want to see it sabotaged and ruined.

Good job so far, keep up the good work!

((Actually, I do want to see something like this actually written for the PPC. It would be easy to misunderstand what the PPC is about, so having some agency send in an undercover agent to learn more about the nature of this strange organization would not be too unreasonable. If it came down to it, said agency may tell the agent to try and sabotage the PPC, and answer for its murderous actions. It could be interesting, and funny as heck too. Just a thought.))

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