Subject: Not so much, really.
Posted on: 2015-06-23 17:34:00 UTC

I think I started writing FtPs in 2004, so that brings the average up to about 2.75 per year.

OTOH, I started writing my DIC spin-off in 2006 (though nothing actually got published until 2007). If we leave off the FtPs and just count the other stuff... we're right back to about 2.5/year. That number looks pretty solid. {= )

And, yes, that would be awesome! I have no idea when we'll find the time, but I guess we can keep our eyes open for promising badfics? ... You're into comics and superhero stuff, right? I'd like to do something in Marvel- or DC-verse for Gall, but I'm at the very most shallow end of the fandom, having only really gotten on board with the recent films and TV series. Most of what I know otherwise I learned from watching Atop the Fourth Wall. ^_^;


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