Subject: Haha, that's a complete lie.
Posted on: 2015-06-23 08:55:00 UTC

Dafydd and Selene have all of six recorded missions together (ie, the same number as Kaitlyn and Selene). Dafydd officially partnered with Selene has 18 stories, of which five are non-missions (the other seven are three each with Vemi and Constance, and one with Neshomeh and Alec).

The total count of missions written by me, including the two Intelligence reports, seems to be... 37? Maybe? Even that number is pretty uncertain; do we count the two DIO missions? What about the exorcisms performed by Sandra and Freckles? How about the one in Generic Surface? I've gone with 'missions in which an actual pre-existing fic is entered', since that's a nice, quantifiable number.

(And of course I'm not counting several ongoing missions... this is harder than I thought!)


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