Subject: *prods*
Posted on: 2015-05-30 14:07:00 UTC

Would it help if I said that I like the direction Kala and Valon are going to? Because I do. They're interesting characters, and your missions with them are not too shabby (read: enjoyable). As Nesh said, not every mission is OMFGBQQ brilliant. A lot of mission are 'OK, I had a good laugh, I enjoyed the banter, even though it's nothing out of ordinary'. To use a somewhat confusing metaphor, it's a bit like Beethoven and Bach. Beethoven is all about NEW THINGS! AND PASSION! AND MUSICAL LARGE HAM! Bach, on the other hand, is about as musically conservative as you can get, but he took the conservative forms of his time and worked them so well to deserved the title of Master.
I think that you're trying to be Beethoven and getting down because you don't seem to succeed; I'd suggest trying for Bach, instead, and if the fates will smile on you, you'll get to Beethoven anyway.
(Disclosure: I prefer Bach. Beethoven's a bit too messy for me.)

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