Subject: Hey, you know what?
Posted on: 2015-05-29 11:29:00 UTC

My stories are the same way. Most of the time they follow the pattern of 'go in, snark, charge, kill, leave'. Sure, I have my moments of spice, like Rose Potter and Little Miss Mary, but for the most part, my guys are just another pair of agents doing their jobs and having weird, traumatic stuff happen to them.

Try looking at those writings of yours and seeing if you can pick out what makes them different, what makes them stand out. See, a lot of what makes good writing is how you string the words together: done well, it can leave your readers laughing, crying, with a sense of wonder. It's an art form like any other, which means you only get better with practice. (Of course, if you practice too much, you can burn yourself out...)

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