Subject: I'm starting to have a couple theories about the simulations
Posted on: 2017-04-19 22:23:00 UTC

Considering both Acacia and Ami (well, she isn't technically an AI simulation, more of a simulation body acting as an host for her ghost) seem to have been sabotaged, either there's an Ai-resenting hacker somewhere... or the teams behind the simulations sabotaged each other.

Considering Corolla's behind Ami's channelling... I guess I have to keep my little techie under better surveillance.


Saki is sitting on the ground, hugging her knees.

We're very few people now, and we're likely going to start really going at each other now. So it's better to stay on my own, but... I don't like being alone. Shiro's gone, that sniper girl's gone, Keiko didn't even qualify, and I don't know if I can trust the other poeple anymore. Is this how Shiro felt in our fic? It's terrible.

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