Subject: Revenge of the Fifth
Posted on: 2017-04-11 19:49:00 UTC

Jack: wearing the stupidest grin "LIGHTSABER DUELS! Ah, nothing finer. You do a couple of backflips, a couple of impractical, flashy sword swings, shout something vague about the high ground, and boom! Guaranteed win. That's the most fun I've had all games. . . . What are you looking at me like that for? I didn't keep it, no. That'd be all against the rules and stuff." nods sagely

"And yeah, Dax and the Enervated Rat Catcher there were good guys. 10 out of 10, would hunt—er, well, work with again." cameraman brings up Dax's interview "Oh, she mentioned me? What'd she do that for?" stares at the camera in utter confusion

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