Subject: Oh dear!
Posted on: 2017-04-04 12:54:00 UTC

Well, lemme get some prequalifier interviews, plus some post-qualifier interviews. Here we go:

Florestan: I mean, it wasn't totally my idea, you know! We all just figured we'd jump in, say hello, and run! But hey, there's at least some fun in that, right? Right? If not, I'm gonna be pretty angry, and that just makes me hardier!

Eusabius: It did seem like a good idea at the time: a free-for-all battle is hardly seen around here, yes? I am certain there will at least be something interesting seen there.

Anneli: Like, you totally wouldn't do one of these things without us, right? Because our response center is totally awesome, and we'll win these games no problem!

Cinderella: Uh... I can cast spells really well?


And now, the post-qualifier interview:

Florestan: Dammit! Come on! That's not even fair! How can you take someone out from that distance!? Come on, guys!

Eusabius: Wow, I am the only one from my response center to survive? I see... I do feel Florestan is not happy. But, I am here, and I can provide a calm, collected head with which to analyze a situation. Therefore, I think I can go far in this competition.

Anneli: Like, ow. I never want to be burned alive again. That was, like, the worst thing ever. And dangit, I wanted to do what my RC sporks!

Cindy: Well, that'll show me to talk about my spellcasting when they take my wand out before I go in there. I should've seen that one coming, to be honest...

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