Subject: Well... that was thing.
Posted on: 2017-04-10 15:52:00 UTC

The camera observes Levy subconsciously invoking an "Out, Damned Spot!" moment in a cave with a stream water moving through. Matthew enters the room, exhaling slightly. He runs over to her, trying to get her attention through the tears, Levy ignoring him. He finally gets her attention by forcing her to face him.

Matthew: Levy, snap out of it!

Levy goes in to hug Matthew, wailing into his shoulder. He shoos the cameras away.


Cameras cut to Ajax, silently trying to become one with the couch. Ellie is also seen, in a valiant attempt to cheer him up via several small explosions. Someone takes the camera and points it at himself

Toby: Hiya, Toby Williams, DoSAT. Ajax isn't quite feeling up to the whole interview thing, so if you could just go back to wherever you came from you floating Ball with a camera attached, that would be great.

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