Subject: I accept, if you'll have me
Posted on: 2018-04-05 18:55:00 UTC

If people want me as a mod, I will keep trying to, as Thoth put it, "examine both sides of a given situation and [not] make decisions rashly.".

I can't promise a completely unbiased modship (I'm not secretly an AI[1], after all).

I also can't promise I won't make mistakes, especially since one of the things that a mod sometimes needs to do is to make a call on some issue right then and there. If that turns out to have been a bad call, it can be hashed out on the Board later (see below, maybe). I do intend to learn from any mistakes I make, though.

[1]: That wouldn't actually guarantee an unbiased modship, just a very weirdly biased modship (or at least the way I see things, where a sufficiently advanced AI is basically an alien)

- Tomash

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