Subject: Choose-Your-Own-Judgeventure.
Posted on: 2018-03-29 15:55:00 UTC

Is the PPC still active?

Have most of the missions in the past few years been written by Iximaz?

Have Iximaz's agents been the centre of a vast array of Time Lord-related interludes and crossovers, pulling in close to a dozen authors?

Have a significant number of PPCers stated that it was Iximaz's stories that brought them to the PPC Board?

Would this have happened had Huinesoron refused Iximaz Permission?

Would the PPC Community be a significantly smaller and less active place had Huinesoron refused Iximaz Permission?

Congratulotion! You have determined that Huinesoron is in possession of Excellent Judgement(+4,+1), and that his actions have kept the PPC Board active by enabling Iximaz to do so.

Please collect your certificate at the [door/portal/window/slide/time tunnel delete as appropriate].



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