Subject: Hmm, interesting.
Posted on: 2019-10-08 13:48:00 UTC

I'll probably sign up, but I have a couple of questions:

-Are signups just for agents in the same RC? I have a few agents who act as solo consultants and could conceivably be pulled into any mission, but equally you might be thinking just of natural teams.

-Are the agents all individual players? So it would be (say) Kaitlyn has to target Edward, but Mira is targetting Selene?

-If one of your agents has to kill another of your agents, do you get to write that? Or would that be an 'ask for a reshuffle' scenario?

-Is there an active (PPC canonical) RP community on the Discord? I ask because there's not a whole lot of stories being published these days, and I don't want to be a pain and be The One You Have To Write With rather than just a quick RP (particularly since I'm notoriously bad at keeping up with cowrites).

(Actually, just generally: how active is the Discord? The Board is practically dead, but is that because everyone's moved over to Happy Fun Chat Land, or because everyone's just left?)

hS, talking himself out of it more and more

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