Subject: For me, it's just... the enthusiasm's gone.
Posted on: 2019-10-08 20:21:00 UTC

I'm lucky to get maybe two people commenting on my missions any more these days. I know, I know—we should write for ourselves first and foremost, but when you post something you've worked ages on and get practically no response?

You just... stop caring.

Which feeds into a vicious cycle—nobody's commenting on my stuff, so why should I comment on their stuff? And I know, it's extremely selfish, but there you go. It's disheartening to put effort into things that people don't care about.

I've got a mission that's currently struggling along to be written. I swear I'll pass that 100-mission mark and get My Immortal published, but after that, I don't really know if I'll have the energy to keep going.

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