Subject: Mission length (etc)
Posted on: 2019-10-09 01:01:00 UTC

I'm going to point out that a lot of missions used to hover in the 10-15 page mark.

I think there's been a trend upwards over the years, but I really don't expect there's anything wrong with missions being shorter than they usually are.

And, if that's just plain not happening, the first thing that comes to mind is that there's still room to revive the Department of Intelligence (yet again). I remember SeaTurtle's Intel reports clocking in at 4-5 pages. Maybe you could be the person to do that?

And on top of everything, from what I've seen of your writing, it's better than you seem to think it is. But I'm pretty sure everyone people here could say that to almost everyone else here (probably including themselves).

- Tomash

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