Subject: We don't need to lose hope yet?
Posted on: 2019-10-09 01:48:00 UTC

There are probably a reasonable number folks who'd want a space like what we're (hopefully (I do seriously hope)) wanting to be (topic-focused long-form-biased discussion on fandom and writing and poking fun at badfic).

Big problems we're facing though are:
1) That aspect of the PPC has really slowed down, as has been pointed out in this thread. So we sort of need to re-bootstrap ourselves and that's going to be tricky.
2) Even if that were fixed some, we'd somehow have to make it known that's what's going on here, which is at least as hard.

That is, our internal culture (as you put it) is definitely out there from the perspective of the modern Internet, but it may not be doomed.

Or maybe it is, and we're looking to wither away as the community as a whole ages and has less time to be here (or twist into something rather mainstream-looking with a weird forum potentially attached for legacy reason). Or that, come, say 2022, varied effectively-former members will be looking at the PPC and going "well, we had a good two decades, but it's basically dead".

... yeah, I can see how contemplating this can be depressing.

Looking forward to reading the dragon romance, by the way! I like Ferrux!

- Tomash

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