Subject: The Random Adventures of RC 5768
Posted on: 2019-09-12 02:22:00 UTC

Disclaimer: I own Chelsea and Lemon and NOTHING ELSE!!!!
Chapter 1:
It was a dreadfully boring day. Lemon the rat, in her cleaning witch outfit, was sweeping the floor, dusting the crevices, and cleaning the bathtub. As she swept the floor, her broom bumped into a pink, big-eyed squid.

“Chelsea,” asked the rat in a warning tone. “What are you doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” replied the squid.

Expecting an answer, Lemon said nothing, but neither did Chelsea. Finally, she asked, “Being an obstacle?”

“I’m lying on the ground!” Chelsea then rapidly shifted between her squid form and humanoid form, making blopblopblopblopblop sounds from doing so.

The rat facepalmed. “Why, though?”

The squid finally stopped rapidly shifting and stayed in her squid form. “Because.”

“Because why?”

“Because because.”

Oh, we are so not doing this now. “Chelsea, get up before I sweep you out.”

The squid, still lying on the floor, somehow spun like a spinning bottle on the floor. “Make meeeeeeeeeeee!”

The rat then proceeded to chase the squid, somehow without success. The squid slithered around the floor faster than the rat’s broom could touch her.

Then, with a whistle, the rat’s shadow clones, one holding a duster, the other holder a towel, stopped their chores to assist her.

As the rat and her clones chased the slippery squid, the squid laughed.

“I’m not ranked XX for nothing!!!!!” proclaimed the squid, finding a good moment to rapidly shift between the forms.

The rat and her clones, after politely waiting for the blopping to end, surrounded the squid, but before they could grab her, the squid puffed up and flew into the air like a bottle rocket, over the rats, over the ceiling, before landing just before the door.

“Byesy!” the squid cheerfully greeted before slithering out the door into the hallways.

“Humph,” Lemon humphed. “Fine. At least you’re out of the—” The rat suddenly sniffed the air. Ink.

Much like that of a bottle rocket, Chelsea had left a trail of pink ink, which landed on the floor with a line leading to the door.

“HUMPH,” Lemon humphed again. She snapped her fingers to summon her shadow clones, both of which went poof, then reappeared slightly closer to her. “FINE.”

Then the rats proceeded to clean the dread (p)ink stain with loaves of bread.

To be continued…?

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