Subject: A Lion's Pride (Ch2)
Posted on: 2019-09-07 22:45:00 UTC

Jacques 3rd person POV

Jacques Bonnefoy was a highly prolific Broadway actor who perfomred in Hamilton as Hamilton and Wicket as Fiero and Phantom of the Opera as the Phantom. He was so good at his job he could do three performances a year.

Right now he was wearing a dark blue blazer a white v-neck t-shirt and black slacks and black polish dress shoes his socks were the only fun part of his outfit they were neon pink leopard print with little microphones which showed off how fun he really was. His underwear was tight sparkly briefs that emphasized his man package and his blonde-highlighted hair flopped nicely in his eyes making him look like a proper bad boy.

He was on top of the world with his carreer and women and boys too were lining up to kiss him and he was making literally millions of dollar a yearbut something in him seemed to be missing, something more meaningful than the yats and the supermodels and the diamond-garnished wines. No, what Jacques wanted was True Love.

He had been watching the boy for some time now whwnever he came into the theater before he'd grab some coffee and see the cute boy in the leather coat that never seemed to notice him despite how famous he was he had papparazzi chasing him down the street. No, he was always too enamord in his books and that peaked Jacque's curiosity.

So Jacques ordered his usual chai mocha green earl bubble tea and sat across from Zeb the boy and introduced himself. They shook hands and gigled and Jacques felt his heart fill to burst. This one was the one, he just knew it.

"Do you have anything going on today?" he asked and Zeb shook his head.

"I'm sort of freelance so I take jobs as they come in"

"Want to come watch me rehearse?" Jacques asked. Zeb nodded.

"Sue I guess." he said and got up and Jacques got up holding out his arm and Zeb took it and together they walked across the street to the theater for Hamilton.

A/N: WOW ok I thought I'd be getting better reviews than nothing but whatever I'm not writing this for you I'm writing this for ME! R&R anyway because it's the NICE THING TO DO OKAY?

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