Subject: Broken soul CHAPTER 2
Posted on: 2019-09-09 01:29:00 UTC

~Merula's POV~

Merula was so scaryed of the man that broke into their cabin. Sh was terrified but she had to act and protect her frkends even tho she was powerless she still had to try.she jumped up in front of them and looked at the man in the eye and said" No!! I will protect my friends,"

His eyes were mesmerizing.. . they were a deep ruby anr so sad, like they were crying out for help! Merula almost wanted to cry for him. But… She COULDN'T.

"What i your naem? He asked.

"Mweula", ahe stated confidently. She wasso scaryed she almost didn't!

But then he left by unlocking the door and ran off to th edark night. Merula ran after him and saw….. …….. ……...…… … …..
He transfromed into a taguel!!!!111!!1!!! .

No way it couldn'tbe, merula tought. But it was and she was so sad for him he must have been a monster!

But was hereally a monster or did he just think he was one?

End of chapter
A/N thank sso much to a freind for an idea for this!! Flams go intò a fire xDDDD

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