Subject: You do not get to dictate terms.
Posted on: 2019-05-24 17:24:00 UTC

I will not be held to a deadline on time, or simply one reply per post. As it is, I want to be able to process things tonight, respond in a back-and-forth manner tomorrow morning and as long as it takes, and make sure you understand what I'm telling you. You are bringing your mod powers into play by threatening to silence me again.

There are a lot of points that you've completely ignored. At least explain how it's fair that you get what you want and leave me with a pittance.

You've also lied about me. Myriad does not mean once, unless you're counting the times when people said 'I'm not going to comment' as if I was supposed to understand that they were offended. You also said that I was a nazi sympathizer when I wasn't. I'm sure you're the one who called me unapologetic when I have apologized for things I didn't even do and was offering to fill in the gaps. As far as not changing, I have offered to do what I can within the limits of being too autistic to have a innate understanding of what you're thinking. I have also changed in that I'm not so defensive about reasonable mistakes.

We haven't even addressed how my initial ban was completely out-of-line.

I expect to be able to reply to this one again, and all the rest, at my leisure tomorrow morning.

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