Subject: I didn't have a specific incident in mind.
Posted on: 2019-05-24 21:27:00 UTC

As far as guesses go, "second" would have been better.

I actually rank your reply to my concrit on a story as more important. I'm sorry that I missed the story where Ilrean became a hairless Andelite, I didn't even get to the part about the glasses before I figured out it was Nume, and you need to read more shifting-perspective fiction. I recommend Star Mother.

Heck, I've been ruminating about your "personalities don't change" thing, but I wouldn't expect you to know that.

Instead of quibbling about what obscure definition of "like" you were using, how about that you acknowledge that you should have been clearer about what you meant?

That is the issue. You can't own up to how you were expecting me to read your mind, if that is even the real problem.

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