Subject: Nope, I'm not.
Posted on: 2019-05-24 16:15:00 UTC

What I was doing was directly stealing your idea of turning the whole thing into a comic strip. My strip was four panels directly quoting this thread, with you drawn based on Disney's Sleeping Beauty, and myself cast as Hades. That thread was chosen because you selected it in your 3000-word screed as an example of... something, I don't even know. Not of you having trouble with instructions, because there was never any instruction implying you should post saying 'Permission request' when you weren't requesting permission.

I took it down because it served no useful purpose, and I didn't think it had been up long enough for anyone to have seen it.

If you would like to create a webcomic quoting everything with all applicable context, go wild; I doubt anyone anywhere will care.


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