Subject: Pretty sure he was stuck in the cave.
Posted on: 2019-07-20 14:19:00 UTC

The grail wouldn’t make you permanently immortal, just keep you alive for the time being (see: Indy’s dad, who was healed with it, but he’s definitely not immortal as we see in the unmentionable fourth movie). But you can’t take the grail across the seal in the cave, because that caused the cave to collapse and the grail to lose its magic.

If I might suggest something, the Time Lords have ways of extending even human lifespans—Leela was made essentially ageless so she could marry Andred. So with that in mind, I think that’s where I’ll head. (Gasp, shock, Iximaz wants to visit Gallifrey after all!)

It would be easier to get your hands on a Mire chip and implant that, and it would keep you alive and young to the end of the universe, but you’d also be stuck with a limited human memory and you’d eventually forget even your own name. That sounds significantly less fun.

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