Subject: Someone, somewhere...
Posted on: 2019-07-20 14:32:00 UTC

... must have put together a chart of options for immortality. Probably with ratings out of 10.

Middle-earth is kind of useless for this; your options are 'be Tuor' or 'be a cursed, wrung-out shade to one degree or another'.

The Potterverse is a bit better; I forget how the Philosopher's Stone works, but I'm sure Flamel was like 700 years old. Don't take the Horcrux approach, though - it doesn't end well.

Discworld? ... to be honest the closest I can think of is being abducted by Elves. You get to travel forward in time, but don't actually get any extra subjective time. (Alternately, once you die you can hang out in one of many afterlives... not sure that counts, though.) (Oh, or there's always vampirism...)


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