Subject: Alright!
Posted on: 2019-11-23 23:34:59 UTC

Shockingly, this is my first time really reading any of Zing's stuff. I know Jacques by reputation, of course (who doesn't), but I'm not very familiar with him.

As such, I can safely say that this is a solid introduction piece. Which makes sense, both in context (a character is getting to know Jacques) and out of it (stylistically, this sort of inside-the-head character interaction writing has Neshomeh's fingerprints all over it). It's also just generally solid all around, with Jacques' traditional flirting, Jenni's traditional flirting, and some nice character moments. There's plenty of attention to detail in the blocking and description, which is good to see in such a dialogue-heavy piece. I'd expect nothing less.

Errant thoughts:

-Dangit, ABO has to just invade everything.

-Jacques and Luxury... oh dear.

-Tree people! But this time attractive. There's just something I think is cool about tree people.

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