Subject: Fiiiinally got round to this. It's good!
Posted on: 2019-12-03 16:20:57 UTC

I felt like you explored Jenni and Jacques in two different ways: Jacques by direct analysis and introspection, and Jenni by showing how she deals with an unusual situation. That could have simplified down to 'tell' and 'show', and it's to your credit that it didn't.

My biggest laugh (well, grin) was at "I'm the nice tea nut." The biggest nostalgia moment was probably the mention of Jenni's appearance in the Monitor (because it brings the whole time period back to mind). The thing that... not that I liked least, but that took me most by surprise, was Jenni's sudden flip to 'hey let's have a relationship'; I think because we were mostly in Jacques' head I didn't see a lot of her buildup to that. And the part that gave me the most ideas was the mention of Chrononauts, combined with Jenni's thoughts on the PPC from a non-linear-time perspective. I feel like "PPC Chrononauts" might be very workable... >:D


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