Subject: That's a mighty fine AU you got there.
Posted on: 2019-12-09 19:02:52 UTC

Be a shame if something were to happen to it.

I wasn't sure I would have ideas for this, not being a big Western reader/watcher, but as it turns out, I do!

Let's start easy. For Jenni, I reckon it's Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman meets the Night Nurse. It's hard enough making a living as a female doctor while raising children out on the frontier, let alone patching up vigilantes in secret, pro bono. She'd be the first to tell you her life doesn't have much room in it for romance, not the church-bells and gold bands sort that most people expect. Her kids and her work come first. Yet, the heart wants what the heart wants, and love always finds a way.


Derik was a lawman. A good one, too. Then, one day, his partner Skip stumbled onto the sheriff's corrupt dealings with the local robber barons. He and Derik tried to put a stop to it, but in the ensuing shoot-out, a powder keg exploded, killing Skip and leaving Derik scarred for life while the villains got away scot-free. No one in town has seen him since, but rumor has it he's taken up with the mysterious freedom fighters calling themselves the Protectors. They say he's responsible for all the bad luck the sheriff and her associates have had since: Mysterious storehouse fires. Lost shipments. Stolen cattle. You name it, they say it's Derik to blame, wreaking his vengeance for his partner's death in the name of justice.

And he's not alone. He's got a little redheaded gal by his side now—but don't let her looks fool you. She's as tough as they come, and twice as mean. The daughter of a simple homesteader whose land was stolen out from under him, Gal fights for her family... but mostly for the fun of it. I wouldn't cross her if I were you.

And finally:

Mr. Norris isn't the sort you would suspect of being an outlaw. By day, he's just a banker, quietly sipping a hot cup of joe while he keeps his ledgers. He has a sharp tongue in his head, but he hides under the desk when things get rough. However, the Protectors know him as the Supernumerary, and what they know that nobody else does is that he's got dirt on everyone. The Supernumerary remembers everything, see. The bad guys can cook the books all they want, but he knows the truth. And the truth will out.

His assistant, Mr. Ryan, is cheerful and commonly thought to be a bit daft. He's not from here, you know. But the thing about a friendly, unassuming sort like Mr. Ryan is that people will tell him things they think he won't understand, and what Mr. Ryan knows, Mr. Norris also knows. Also, Mr. Ryan is designing a new mechanism for the bank vault. When it's finished, the next person to get in there without the proper authority is going to be in for a nasty surprise.

~Neshomeh had fun with this. ^_^

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