Subject: Alright, lemme just say...
Posted on: 2020-01-02 03:25:21 UTC

...I'm part of the Ashton Succeeds At Everything (Except Being a Character) Club over on the Discord, and on your agents' behalf, ouch! The mission was everything promised; good writing, agents being tormented, screwing with time, the charges we've been over, and an awesome assassination.

||Ashton's death was as undramatic as it deserved to be,|| Liz's freakouts were entertaining, her ||moments with the Vulpix|| were heartwarming enough to keep the reader going, and Chenille. Just... Chenille. He's stoic, but it's done in a funny way and never feels demeaning to Liz.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your stuff, and to sporking more of Too Good To Be True: Kanto League Failures!