Subject: This is a surprisingly difficult choice.
Posted on: 2020-04-25 03:06:16 UTC

My first instinct is to throw in with the boys in RC 999, because a) solidarity with my boys! and b) "devil you know." Nume and Ilraen have been through a quarantine before; the three of us know what to expect from them. {= ) I'm also not worried about sharing space with Lux, the Sub Rosa, or Liliac (though in the latter case that's only because I don't know her except in that there was a newbie with that name some time ago). But... it's a standard response center. It barely sleeps two; forget six. We might be able to get someone in the closet and someone in the bathroom, and IDK, maybe I could share Ilraen's scoop, but even so, it's gonna get really claustrophobic, really fast. o.o;

I think Dafydd's house, a TARDIS, or Acacia's place in Fictionalized Ancient Rome sound pretty reasonable, even with their less appealing occupants. Apparently Acy's place doesn't have a kitchen, though? Not sure why that is, but okay, I guess I can strike that one off the list.

So, let's see, Dafydd's house + mad Ontic or Ave's TARDIS + Sunflower Emperor and, let's face it, Ave herself?

TARDIS probably lets me avoid everyone else if I want to, plus it's techy, so the Internet is likely a thing.

But I know Dafydd has Internet access of some sort, too, and the Kudzu is right there to help deal with the madperson, and surely Lou can help with her fourth-wall-breaking abilities. Plus Constance is very competent and cool, plus Elvish music, plus I like kids just fine, plus fire-lizards and yeah I choose House 1. I don't suppose Hera is clutching any time soon...? {= D


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