Subject: [Knocks on Fourth Wall]
Posted on: 2020-04-26 21:01:34 UTC

Hey there. Since I'm currently stuck in a house with the entire Illian family, plus a broken person, plus a houseplant, I'd be happy to pester Mr. Narrator into giving the fire lizards a clutch for people to weird-fourth-wallishly receive eggs from. Heck, I can probably even get him to put up a fire lizard generator so's you can see them!

{What? No? I don't have a fire lizard generator.}

So make one. You've got that Minion generator.

{That took time! I'd have to draw all the pictures, and-}

So draw them. You've figured out colour-shifting, right? Come on, this'll be easy.

{But I'm doing so many other things!}

"If you want something done, accost a busy person." Is that how that goes? So, you make the generator, all the lockdown people get their lizards, everyone's happy.

{Am I happy?}

Ah, you'll be fine.


{& hS}

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