Subject: Failed directional hearing adaptation.
Posted on: 2020-05-14 07:45:20 UTC

See, what those long ears are [i]supposed[/i] to do is wrap over the head. That means they can channel noise from directly above, as well as off to the sides. The sensitive tips ([i]so[/i] much fanfic involves those things being super-sensitive) are intended to directly detect the vibrations when sound hits them, meaning an elf would intuitively know when a sound came from [i]above[/i] rather than off to the side.

There are two schools of thought on this: one is that elves originated in caves (see: Drow), and that this evolved to help them listen for potential rockfalls. The other is that it evolved outside, in response to some very [i]large[/i] aerial predators.

"The eagles are coming! The eagles are coming!"
