Subject: A guide I made
Posted on: 2020-12-29 01:19:43 UTC

So, I was thinking about the Slash Sporking Guide, and I decided to write a guide myself, dedicated to telling whether something is Fangirl Japanese or not, based upon other articles I've read that teach how to spot cultural appropriation.

Here is the guide:

We all know that Fangirl Japanese is a charge, right? But, of course, not every instance of somebody speaking Japanese is an example of this annoying phenomenon. It's a language, and people do speak it. So how can you tell the difference? Well, here are some tips to help you.

Signs that it is not Fangirl Japanese:

  1. A character has a Japanese name, such as Keiko or Hikaru, because they actually come from Japan or have Japanese heritage.

  2. A character is speaking Japanese because it's their native language, or they learnt it for a plausible reason (e.g. they're an interpreter).

  3. The Japanese writing is correct and provides a translation.

Signs that it is Fangirl Japanese:

  1. A character has a Japanese name, yet they have no Japanese blood.

  2. A character is speaking Japanese even though it isn't their native language, and they have no plausible reason to behind looking extra smart for being bi/multilingual.

  3. The Japanese writing is incorrect, and/or provides no translations.

  4. Random Japanese words are inserted into the narration (as opposed to the dialogue) for no other reason than to be "cool".

  5. Japan doesn't exist in the continuum the Japanese writing is coming from (this is a very sure sign).

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