Subject: Also: Luxury's RC?
Posted on: 2021-01-14 12:31:21 UTC

The only other character aside from Jay and Acacia who would actually warrant the letter-only RC number would be Luxury, whose RC has appeared numerous times at this point, but has never actually been named. Definitely something that should be decided on together as a community, but . . . what letter(s) would that be? L seems maybe a little easy, but it makes logical sense. I suppose there's always, uh, V or D . . . >.>

(I guess Sean would qualify too, but since he only reappeared last year thanks to Mirage Fontane, he may not wind up seeing enough use to really need a defined RC.)

—doctorlit, not sure how this suggestion will be taken

But also, I thought Hidaney's original question was going to see a lot more response. Can we take the lack of pushback to mean he's good to use TBA as an RC?

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