Subject: A wild Chapter 8 appears!
Posted on: 2022-01-15 06:27:05 UTC

Yes, I've been busy with this thing. It's my great pleasure to announce that Hexmaster has moved into its second story arc and finally managed to introduce a character who will be very important throughout the story, which you can check out here.

Content warnings: swearing, some animal body horror in the form of a non-humanoid monster, implied things involving fire, a detailed but non-excessive injury description, and... well, generally speaking, it's not one of the more cheerful chapters of Hexmaster. So, y'know. Watch out for the Feels Bat, because I know I whacked myself with it when I wrote this. As always, if anyone gets this far into this monstrosity of a project, I'd love to hear your thoughts, either here or on the Discord.

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