Subject: The Board Improvement Request Thread
Posted on: 2022-06-27 21:48:00 UTC

During the posting of the PG election thread to the Discord, there was some discussion about potential board improvements. As such, it was decided that we should have a proper board thread about this after the election ended. As the election has now ended, I am writing this post.

Currently existing thoughts on board improvement (that I actually remember) are as follows:

  1. Discord integration. Some users find it difficult to remember to check the board, but are active on Discord. As such, the idea was raised to essentially provide latest posts directly to the Discord, by auto-posting updates about the newest posts to some kind of #board-posts channel or something. This is convenient for people who are on discord and want to be notified of board activity without configuring an RSS feed for it (which, by the way, if you're not on the discord but want to get a stream of the latest board posts for perusal at your convenience... we do actually have a feed for exactly that purpose).
  2. Flat thread view. The traditional Board thread layout of nested response subthreads is great. However, it's not so great for some PPCers with small displays, vision impairment, or both (and also works poorly for deeply nested threads, as the entire layout begins to drift steadily rightwards... For these and several other reasons, a proposal arose to allow for an optional "conventional forum" thread view. In this view, messages would be displayed in chronological order, and which message was replying to what would be shown through backlinks (that is, links back to the prior message).
  3. Markdown options? This was raised by Nesh while we were on a train through Chicago (yes, Gathering Report needs to be written up... hopefully that will happen at some point soon, we've all been a bit busy). Some boarders have typing habits that conflict with Markdown's markup, or might otherwise not want to use markdown for a given post. As such, we may want to add the ability to check a box to disable Markdown when writing a post.

As this is a general Improvement thread, if there's something you want to see changed about the board or a feature you'd like to have, please let us know! Obviously, I don't think I or anyone else can promise anything gets implemented (the T-Board Technical Committee is full of very busy people, alas), but we can see about getting in the things that people want to have.


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