Subject: Regarding the enter key:
Posted on: 2022-07-04 19:01:10 UTC

Right now, doing a double enter after a paragraph codes for two paragraphs to appear with a space between them, which is quite reasonable and intuitive. But doing a single enter between paragraphs makes a single paragraph appear, which is rather unintuitive. This crops up when I'm pointing out errors in story reviews, which I usually format as:

"Bob drove a bar."
You wanted "Bob drove a car."

But I have to put (backwards) >rb< after the first line; otherwise, it displays as:

"Bob drove a bar." You wanted "Bob drove a car."

Could we maybe cause a single stroke of the enter key to produce a second paragraph with no space between? It would save a lot of html keystrokes for me on my reviews . . .

—doctorlit worries he's being overly selfish here . . .

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