Subject: That seems odd from an HTML standpoint.
Posted on: 2022-07-05 05:18:42 UTC

I'm not sure I understand what you mean about Markdown not interpreting line breaks as paragraphs. Currently, when you do an Enter Enter, it renders as a new paragraph (with <p></p> tags) in the post's source code. It's just that if you do a single Enter, it doesn't do anything; it ignores the newline and treats the text before and after the Enter as part of the same paragraph.

What we'd like it to do is render a single line break (<br/>), which is what we code in manually to not have the newline ignored. It comes in handy occasionally for things like sharing poetry. Example with desired paragraph and line-break HTML shown:

<p>The rain in Spain<br/>
stays mainly in the plain.</p>

Just seems odd that it can interpret Enter Enter as "code for a new paragraph," but it can't interpret Enter as "code for a single line-break." If I understand you right, it sounds like it can't distinguish between a manually Entered newline and one generated by word-wrapping in the composition text box...?


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