Subject: Re-2: Names and things
Posted on: 2022-08-22 20:14:13 UTC

Now I had to go and look at the My Immortal Wiki... another time sink, thank you :-)

I don't think beyond "apostate" there really is a translation of apostata? At least I couldn't find one. The meaning is someone who has left the Christian belief system for another one. It appears to be used in a derogatory way, but for me it's simply a descriptor, and I put it out there because it's a part of my identity- and basically, people like this exist. If someone asks me about it, I'm open for discussion, otherwise... it's nothing I'd mention unless the topic comes up organically. (I didn't realize how much I don't want to upset anybody over this until I fumbled for words just now.)

As for language, I'm German. I've had a few "whoa" moments with the curses some writers round here use in their PPC. It's also great for causing random capitalization and confused looks because of translators changing names completely (mostly in the past now, except for Pokémon).

C.S. Lewis I have read both Narnia and also the space trilogy. The third volume is too preachy and caused me a lot of eye-rolling, but I still enjoyed it.

Where are you from? I'm kind of impressed how much time you are investing in this place. How do you do this?

I'm rather limited in how much time for interaction online I've got. But I'll do my best to follow your advice. I hope no ones going to bite me for being rather rusty in this format (and overly verbose, too. It's kind of hard to apologize for something I haven't been able to change in all those years).

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