Subject: Reply.
Posted on: 2022-08-22 21:16:00 UTC

Well, I’ve certainly lost time to the My Immortal Wiki too.

Um...again, not sure why having “Apostate” as part of your username would offend anyone. I, as a Christian, wouldn’t care if someone’s username was “PaganHeathen.”

Oh, a German. Is there less cussing in that language? Though I don’t cuss.

Huh. I’ve just read Narnia.

I’m from the States. And, uh the PPC? I just...really like it. And you should see how much time others put into this place. I’m just the Replies-to-Everything Not-so-Newbie. And in case you’re curious, I’m RumbridgeXVolzemort on the My Immortal Wiki.

Plenty of us are verbose too. The important thing is to have fun.


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