Subject: PPC+20: "Suedom: Prologue"
Posted on: 2022-10-17 15:05:32 UTC

It's here, it's here, it's finally here! [Confetti, party poppers, fireworks, etc etc]

Suedom: Prologue by Andtauriel Longwood-Baggins and psychicsaphie

Suedom is one of the formative stories of the PPC. For the first time, we get the impression of the PPC as a vast organisation - previous stories feel more like a handful of misfits led by psychic Flowers, but the PPC of Suedom mounts large-scale rescue operations and acts to protect the entire canon. It's by two of the brightest stars of the early PPC, Andy and Saphie, aka The Andy Half and The Saphie Half. Saphie also wrote the PPC Constitution, and they were big names in the community for... well, at the time it felt like a long time.

Suedom is epic. It is world(s)-spanning. It is cosmological in scope. It is, tragically, unfinished...

... and it all starts here, with a fangirl, a computer, and a very bad fanfic indeed.

Suedom has been gone from the internet for some time. Part of the purpose of PPC+20 is to bring it back to life. You'll be seeing it again soon.


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