Subject: re: Kwennyfer and Jane + 20
Posted on: 2022-11-04 14:46:45 UTC

Aw, no "Me Kwennyfer, you Jane" joke? disappointing! I do like the agents here, though. Strong personalities that really come across in their dialogue, and better physical description than we often get for agents in these early spin-offs. I think the habit of early writers to overdescribe their OCs led to a stigma against giving hardly any description at all, but it's nice to have some idea of what the characters look like! And oh: it's the first introduction of the semi-fic blip concept! I had the impression that appeared a bit later, closer to before I joined, but here it is in year one! The joke with the sword's names is funny, too.

Oh my gosh. According to the author's note in the original posting, Jay herself was beta for this! Although even Jay didn't catch that Kwennyfer somehow convinced Aragorn that she was Arwen . . . while disguised as a Nazgûl! Woops! Also, I feel like a better solution for Brownlock would have been portaling him to the Wizarding World to work with the Owl Post. It would get him out of Arda and into a world where he would fit in well enough to avoid disrupting canon, and avoid having to kill him altogether.

Autumn Loamsdown . . . I know making too many half-elves dilutes how unique and impactful certain canon relationships are, but I at least have to give Archiekins credit for creating a rather excellent and canonical-sounding Hobbit name!

—doctorlit has successfully dropped his condo into the high 60s Fahrenheit, hopefully enough to keep the air conditioning from clicking on for several months now

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