Subject: re: The DAVD Files + 20
Posted on: 2022-10-31 20:37:17 UTC

Huh. so the DAVD was originally conceived as a secondary Intelligence department, one that just handled the heavier, triggering sort of content? I feel like that could have just been a division of Intel. I know it has action and medical divisions itself, nowdays, so . . . guess I'll have to just look forward to seeing that change happen!

Katharine the Great maybe could have payed better attention to the spin-offs that cam before, though; the "portable portal generator" already has a name, and . . . I can't remember if the DORKS has been introduced yet? There's a surprising amount of content to keep track of in these early days! Shame the Wiki hadn't been created yet, would have made things easier for the early writers . . .

—doctorlit is dressed as a nerdy white prep. Not for Halloween; that's just how he dresses outside of work.

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